I thought
2020 was going to be a year of perfect clarity. A year when we could look back with
hindsight on all that we learned, and as travelers, all that we saw, and glean
from it lessons that would move us forward in life. This is after all, what travel
does to those who are paying attention. And it is the definition of 2020
vision. Instead, I have thus far learned something far more meaningful, as
events this year kept me mostly indoors looking at the four walls in my home and
my coffee colored carpet. I had much to think about during our period of
lockdown and slow reopening, which was intensified by nationwide civil unrest
and early curfew in Los Angeles and other major cities.

Because of
the pandemic as we all scrambled to find face masks, hand sanitizers, and large
supplies of soap, I only had to go to my suitcase to find these now essential items.
I always travel with them for health reasons anyway, and in 2021 and beyond, they
will become necessities, not toiletries. It is no secret to experienced travelers that
airplanes, buses, handrails, and foreign currency are among the many modes of bacterial
transmission during travel. We travelers were a tad bit more prepared for the
essentials necessary to weather the pandemic and its aftermath. Travelers – not
just tourists - have quintessential moments of learning and understanding that unexpectedly
find their way into daily life.
And just as
we were dealing with one virus, another one hit the nation -and the world -
once more. I could hardly believe that Los Angeles was going to have another round
of riots and protests, the third since the 1960s, and once again over the virus
of racial and social injustice. But this time I had Facebook to consult, and
the many travel groups I had become part of. As I spoke with multi-racial
family members living in Minneapolis not far from the tragic and unfolding
events that seemed destined to give birth to a renewed civil rights movement, I not only ensured that they were safe, but I also
saw what was unfolding on social media in different travel groups. Travelers
are open minded. We have experienced different cultures. We may not have been
sensitive to the Black Lives Matter movement in the past or considered it
relevant to our own lives today, but now our senses have been awakened. Not all
travelers, of course. But certainly, enough for me to realize that when we have
open minds, we can also have open hearts. We understand that things change in
the world because we have been to the sites that gave birth to the need for
change; sites of atrocities throughout human history, and the sites of a
renewed tomorrow. Sites that ensure we will never forget, and sites that ensure
we will always keep learning. But I also
learned that changes in the heart emerge slowly, and of course the heart cannot
be legislated.
I have come to believe strongly that this confluence of events
entered our lives for a reason. For there is a time for every purpose under
Heaven, no matter what your belief system. A strong wind blew here in Los
Angeles during the time of the George Floyd memorial, stronger than I typically
see and it lasted several days. A strong wind of change, a message from
nature, in case nobody was paying attention to anything but the weather. Since
shut down in Los Angeles, I have been breathing the cleanest air on the planet
with most cars and other forms of transportation off the road or otherwise
closed to the public. I have gotten to know new travel friends and old
boyfriends better than before. The love of travel unites us and enables the
conversation to keep flowing, either by phone, email, or Zoom. The
Universe, in its infinite wisdom, gave us a virus of nature, a virus of our own
social making, and a virus in the environment. Yet it is the climate of change
we are left to grapple with, rather than the enormity of climate change itself.
A new environment of social justice, and a new environment of health is now
part of it. And I believe we as travelers, with our broader than
average world view, are up for the task. Clean air and water, for as
important as they are, seems like a metaphor for what we must deal with now.

As we wander
through this new reality, I am also learning that while the day will surely
arrive when we must fly overseas and travel with masks, the time will also
arrive when we can shed them freely, as many are shedding the coronavirus
today. When we take off the masks and once again stand more closely and safely
to our friends and neighbors, we will emerge as new and different people, and
hopefully better human beings. And hopefully
Mother Earth will forgive us.
Jann, I have found your blog and thank you for your thoughtful insight. Well said, on all accounts.