Photos: Jann Segal |
On a recent trip to Central America with Overseas Adventure Travel, on their wonderful Route of the Maya adventure, I got caught
up in noticing benches – yes, benches. Why would something as simple as a bench
catch my attention, I was asked. Well, I figured that after I took enough
photos of benches, I would figure it out. And figure it out I did.
For one, benches are a place where people –and even
governments - leave their mark so passersby will be reminded. And sometimes
reminded in an historical context. In Northern Thailand, in the Golden Triangle
areas where Thailand, Laos and Burma come together and where the heroin trade
was once rampant, I once saw a bench during some solo travels left by the US Drug
Enforcement Administration. How did I figure it out? In red letters it had printed on the back of
the bench, “Donated by United States Drug Enforcement Administration/Royal Thai
Police Narcotics Suppression Bureau/Sensitive Investigative Unit Bangkok.“ Well, at least
it was donated. Interesting to note as well, that the bench had been updated
for the digital age with a DEA web site.
So..why benches in Central America? Benches as well
as chairs serve as places of reflection, places to eat and socialize, gather,
or to just be alone. In the stunning scenery of the Central American countries
I visited, they were an opportunity to look out into what I called “God’s
Window” and to reflect and enjoy nature. Some were for tourists, some for
locals gathering to enjoy a Sunday after church. Some were made of local
materials such as tiles as I noticed in Nicaragua, or the wood products that
were so abundant along the Flower Route of El Salvador, enabling the locals to
make a living. In Belize at the airport, I noticed beautiful benches for departing passengers to use. They were made of the local, beautiful indigenous wood. I have both jewelry and place mats that look like those benches.
Some allowed us to reflect upon history, as I saw in
the ruins of Guatemala, along the path to the premises in Tikal and other Mayan
sites. And some allowed the people to reflect upon loved ones, as I saw at a
cemetery in Guatemala City. Families gathered to talk about their loved ones, with
benches and even tables right in front of above-ground tombstones and houses
for family graves. It was not hard to imagine a family gathering on Day of the Dead
for instance, to eat food and share in the joy they once had with their
families. So benches also represent a tradition found in some countries, and
allow for that tradition to continue year after year.
Empty concrete benches by the churches looked lonely
to me. Always empty it seemed, and ever so uncomfortable. Maybe they were just
built so people could have a short sit (rather than a quiet reflection) in the
middle of a busy Sunday afternoon. Or maybe people used them to quickly place
their goods down on the way from the market after buying foods for home, or
even bringing goods to sell la the local mercado. One thing is certain; when I
saw these benches, I quickly wondered how they were put to use in Mayan times
and how they were currently used by the local population. This flight of
imagination is one of my joys in world travel.
In one town in Guatemala, I saw some fences that were
clearly used to keep people out, but they had interesting designs etched on
them. The most famous of all of the fences and walls in world history is of
course the Berlin Wall. Its sole purpose was to prevent people from crossing
over from East to West Berlin. And to my amazement as I was photographing
fences, in Guatemala City, what did we see? Pieces of the Bern Wall itself! There
was at one time a large influx of German nationals into Guatemala, including
refugees who fled Hitler and found safe haven in Guatemala. So the monument we
saw to the Berlin Wall was in honor of the relationship that Guatemala has had
with Germany, including in the early days of the coffee trade in Central
America. The Berlin Wall, which had been attached to an electronic fence for decades
to prevent people from leaving East Berlin, was as stark a reminder as one
could find of the negative value of fences.
Was there a positive wall or fence that we saw? There
was a reconciliation wall in San Salvador itself. After the mass murders and
atrocities that the entire country experienced in the 80s - and which the
government still denies - attitudes still exist which once divided a
nation and entire region and in many ways still do. Can the symbol of breaking
down barriers with this wall now try to unite and help heal? After meeting the
people and hearing their stories about the loss and disappearance of family
members at the hands of their government, and the killing of priests, nuns, and
their followers who were just trying to help a downtrodden people, it’s hard to believe that a simple fence or
wall can heal a nation. But in this case, it served as a symbol of reconciliation
in progress.
And in both Nicaragua
and El Salvador, I surely saw fences that had murals on them. The art on the
walls and fences along the Flower Route in towns like Ataco and others are
beautiful and often legendary. Guatemala has its share of fences that are being
tuned into murals, and students are currently aiding in the effort. The murals become peat of the culture and the pictures
that are represented becomes part of the story that each town has to tell.
Cross Lake Atitlan and visit some of the small villages across the lake, and
you will see more. They are all over Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua.
Fences, like benches and my other favorite topic
clothes lines, tell a story. But each of them tells a different story about a
people, its history, and its culture, and in a uniquely different way. Let your
mind wander a bit as an inquisitive traveler, and you can reconstruct some
current or historical narrative, and imagine how the people lived.
Bear in mind however, the fences also preserve.
Aside from preserving culture as they do with the murals, they also help preserve
nature. I saw fences in Nicaragua where the nesting turtles were having their eggs
preserved by locals during nesting season. On a day trip to San Juan Del Sur, I got to see the area
where the nesting turtles are having their eggs kept. It was the first week of
turtle nesting season. They emerge from the water at night and drop their eggs on
the sand, where locals retrieve them and put them in the nests behind an enclosed
wire fence. About 25 years later, the same turtles return to the same exact
location to nest their own babies.
OAT's Route
of the Maya trip is filled with one highlight after another. However, for me, one of the many was McCaw
Mountain in Capan, Honduras, after we saw the Copan Ruins. After a long and
bumpy drive, behind fences, we were able to enjoy macaws and toucans flying
freely in spaces that were designated for them in what was truly a complete
Central American ecosystem. They were kept in large enclosed areas, but they were
in their elements with coffee plants, ferns, and just about every Central American
plant they have come to know.
I could, unfortunately,
go on and on about benches and fences. For every sight we saw, there were
benches and fences that caught my eye. The benches open people up to the world,
the fences can restrict or create arbitrary boundaries between mankind and
nature and the rest of the world. In his poem Mending Wall, Robert Frost wrote, “Something there is that doesn’t love
a wall, “ perhaps referring to the boundaries they create. By the end of the
poem he concluded, “Good fences make good neighbors. “ In an homage to Robert Frost, and with apologies
to this poem Birches, I will also conclude
that one can do worse than be an observer of benches - and fences

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